Executive Board Members

Being a Board Member at LuxReal involves active engagement in our monthly meetings and concurrent participation in working groups dedicated to driving forward key projects. Leveraging the passion and wide range expertise of our board members, we are forging ahead with impactful initiatives.

We strive to appoint Board Members from all Real Estate sectors to ensure a broad perspective and to make sure all voices are heard.

The mandates are renewed every 2 years. The work of the executive board is unsalaried. 


Vice President

Laura Iftime
PwC Luxembourg
2 Rue Gerhard Mercator | L-2182 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 621 332 408
Email: laura.iftime@pwc.com

Romain Muller
Firce Capital | Managing Director
6 Rue Pierre d’Aspelt | L-1142 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 621 16 56 94

Email:  RMuller@fircecapital.com 


Tehdi Babigeon

52 route d'Esch | L-1470 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 26 43 07 07 - 53 
Email: tbabigeon@inowai.com 

Martine Gerber-Lemaire

Dentons Luxembourg
33, rue du Puits Romain | Atrium Vitrum Building | L-8070 Bertrange
Tel: +352 46 83 83 257 
Email: martine.gerber@dentons.com

Andreas Meier

20 Boulevard de Kockelscheuer | L-1821 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 451 45 23 21
Email:  ameier@deloitte.lu 

Viviane Rouarch

Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 
287-289, route d'Arlon | L-1150 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 691 384 407
Email: viviane.rouarch@lu.tr.mufg.jp

Laurent Ternisien

BNP Paribas REIM
10 Rue Edward Steichen | L2540 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 621 625 665
Email: laurent.ternisien@bnpparibas.com 

Tom Lessel

Banque internationale à Luxembourg
69, route d’Esch | L-2953 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 4590-2344
Email:  Tom.Lessel@bil.com

Mohamed Isarti
Wafra Capital Partners
28 Boulevard Royal | L-2449 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 27 216 81
Email:  m.isarti@wafracapital.lu

Sala Makumbundu
Bauer Christian et Associés Architectes
107 Rue de Hollerich | L-1741 Luxemburg
Tel: +352 33 03 67 1
Email:  sala.makumbundu@cba.lu

Tamas Mark

412F, Route d'Esch | L-1471 Luxemburg
Tel: +352 621 658 334
Email:  tamas.mark@iqeq.com

Romain Poulles

11, rue de l'Industrie | L-8399 Windhof
Tel: +352 26 10 70 07
Email: rpoulles@progroup.eu

Quentin Verschoren

3, rue de l’Industrie Bte 8 | L-8399 Windhof 
Tel: +352 26 27 61 24 
Email: verschoren@atenor.eu